The effectiveness of training relies 90 % on the diet. And The effectiveness of a diet relies 90% on training. If a couch potato just ate and not worked out what would happen? Can a marathon runner run and not eat. You’re more likely to maintain a current weight if you only ate healthy, but it’s impossible to not eat and train hard. You need both to successfully lose weight and gain muscle. I’ve seen some people get off of a treadmill and head straight to a local fast food joint. I remember one time and I kid you not… I saw a woman on a stationary bike eating Doritos. I guess she was there just to watch TV? No longer do we have couch potatoes but now there are bike potatoes.
For those who really want to get on the right track I’m going to help you. We will start from the supermarket. So Lets Shop!!!
Tip #1 Do not leave home hungry. If you do you will pick up everything you see that’s pleasing to the eye and fattening to the gut.
Tip# 2 Start from the outside (produce first) then work your way into the aisle.
Produce Section:
Eat the Rainbow. Go BOLD, Experiment, try NeW colors!!! Reds, oranges, greens, blues, and purples. Don’t just stick to the normal apple, orange, lettuce, or grapes have fun!!! There’s a reason why G-d created these Veggies and Fruit not to just look at but to eat.
Purple Cabbage, Purple potatoes, Egg plant, black and blueberries, these are a powerful source of Antioxidants. When you eat these colors you are lowering the risk of heart disease, cancer and improve memory.
Papaya, sweet potatoes, pineapples, mango, oranges, and carrots are packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C and beta-carotene. Women I’m telling ya these babies are the fountain of youth. Talk about beautiful skin No need for makeup. These foods also play important role in our immune system and eyes sight. So ladies start eating more yellows and organges. Because later down the road some of you are going to be walking around with crooked lashes because you couldn’t see how to put them on straight.
Cherries, beets, radishes, cranberries, tomatoes, pomegranates, pink grapefruits lycopene and anthocyanins phytochemicals are great antioxidants. These are linked to maintaining memory, a healthy heart, and help fight against infections. It may also reduce the risk of cancer especially prostate cancer.
Kiwi, avocado, peas, spinach, artichokes, edamame, and asparagus. Don’t forget to pick up some Leafy greens (the Super foods) Loaded with Vitamin A,B,C,E,and K rich in Folate and Fiber. Green colored foods also contain, Iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. So Eat or DRINK your greens!!!
Beware: Everything in the produce section is not so healthy, Salad kits (contain high fat salad dressings) Banana and apple chips (Chips need I say more) and Prepared fruit drinks and smoothies (High calorie fruit and extra sugar).
Meat, Fish & Poultry section and Deli Counter:
Meatless versions are great for replacing high fat real bacon and sausages.
Avoid fish that contain high levels of mercury such as king mackerel and Ali Tuna.
Below is a link for a printed wallet size Mercury card from the Natural Resource Defense Council.
It list all fish what contain high and low mercury. Please read!!!
Avoid high saturated fats. Choose white meat chicken over dark and extra lean ground beef and turkey.
The less processed the better.
Avoid salami, bologna, meat salads, fries, and most side dishes
Hummus is a great substitute for mayonnaise!!
Dairy Section:
Avoid high fat dairy, flavored and sweetened dairy products drinks. Instead buy low-non fat dairy products, soy milk and cheese alternatives, coconut milk, or almond milk fortified with Vitamin D and Calcuim. When eating yogurt dairy or soy based but un flavored nonfat then add fresh fruit to it yourself.
Try products that are at least 30% of your daily calcium needs per serving. Both women and men (Age 19-50) need 1,000 milligrams every day.
Frozen Section:
Watch those frozen entrees. These meals are loaded with sodium and high in calories.
Choose low calorie desserts, unsweetened frozen fruits, and unseasoned veggies
Canned and Package Food Aisle:
Choose low sodium soups, veggies and canned meats
Try dry beans, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, brown rice pasta, quinoa, and barley
Cereals and Breads:
Must have at least 3 grams of fiber per serving. Stay away from sweetened oatmeal. Watch out and ready ingredients carefully when it comes to Healthy Cereal “Candy” bars and protein bars
Crackers,chips, Go Nuts:
Be careful when reading labels. These products may contain trans fat with are not good for the heart.
Only buy the brands that do not contain partially hydrogenated oils.
Stay away from salted, chocolate or candy coated nuts. Only buy raw or dry roasted nuts.
Checkout line: Keep your eye on the cashier….
If your eyes do wonder, only pick up the sugar free gum and mints. Oh and the mascara to help with those lashes!! ;) No need for the batteries.. I mean what are they really good for? And don't say the remote control.... Yoooooouuu Couch Potato!!!! J