Being fit is not just doing 60 minutes of the daily recommended activity intake. If someone were to describe a fit person the following words would probably be used: Perfect, skinny, muscular, athletic, toned, ripped, vegetarian, sexy hot ripped, ooh so yummy Shemar Moore and Brad Pitt (oops sorry had to go there) Anyway yes these words can describe fit person but it may not always be true. What if I told you that someone can be skinny but unhealthy, muscular but weak, vegetarian but a JUNKfoodatarian or even worst sexy… but mama was right when she said beauty is only skin deep. Being fit is being physically, mentally, emotionally, and environmentally healthy. Fit is a contagious lifestyle filled of peace, love, wholeness and joy.
So you ask… How can a person be free from a destructive unhealthy lifestyle?
Guess what?!! You ended up in the right place today. Yes this place. De Anna’s Fit Room.
De Anna is excited to share with you her exercise tips, beauty secrets, and inspirational stories to get you Fit in no time. She hopes that after you read her blogs you will walk out energized and motivated with a sparkle in your eye about life. So come on in, take a seat, and get ready to be rejuvenated!!!!
I'm excited! Gotta bring sexy back!